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Hospital Visit


I'm finally home!!! The 20th I started having a decent amount of chest pain, abdominal pain, and my heart was flying. I tried to just sleep it off but I couldn't go to sleep. I finally called the cardiologist on call and he said he was going to admit me and to meet him in the ER. I ended up staying two nights and ran a few tests. We did an echo of my heart (results were normal), a stress test (my blood pressure dropped more than half when my heart rate hit about 180 so I almost passed out... not quite normal), and a tilt table test (normal except my heart would speed up and slow down but it stayed within normal ranges). We still aren't sure what is causing all of this, but I know we will get it figured out soon. I had great nurses and doctors, and the food is actually pretty good at the hosptial. My dad stayed by my side the whole time and mom came whenever she could. Caleb was able to come home early from his work trip to be with me, which meant a lot. I have been so blessed by the people God has put in my life. Thank you for all of the prayers... they're working.

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