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I just wanted to share what is going to happen during the EP cath I am having on the 12th. I won't be able to eat or drink after midnight (normal for any surgery) and that is always the worst part! I will get there at 8am for registration and to start my IV. Once I get to the EP lab, they will put me to sleep, but I won't have to have a breathing tube. Then, they will make an incision at the top of my leg and place the catheter in my femoral vein. They will follow it up to my heart and look around. The doctor will try to recreate the episodes I've been having and increase my heart rate. If my heart gets out of sinus rhythm and I have SVTs, they will do an ablation until my rhythm is normal. They will pull the catheter out and wake me up and all should be well!! I most likely will be going home the same day but there is a chance I'll stay a night for monitoring. Hopefully they will get it all figured out!

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