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Big Announcement!


Last week I went back to the doctor to get the results from some blood tests. I was so excited to finally get some answers and the doctor had been pretty sure he knew what the results would be. We tested for multiple illnesses, but everything came back negative. Not what the doctor thought. That was amazing news, but I couldn't help but be disappointed. I was happy that my blood work was normal, but so upset that we still didn't have any answers. The doctor said it could still be the illness he suspected and it just hasn't showed up in my blood yet. The only issue is what to do now. He wanted to send me to a few other doctors and start trying different medications to see if we could at least treat the symptoms without knowing the cause. The medications have a lot of really bad side effects so I was not too thrilled with the idea of blindly trying different treatments. I was so overwhelmed with emotions. I was so happy that everything was normal, but afraid of what would happen now. A coworker of my fiancé suggested I go to the Mayo Clinic. I had actually thought of that before, but I knew the waiting list was 6 months to a year so I have never tried. I decided that it couldn't hurt to at least submit a request for an appointment… That's when my luck turned around.

I was prepared to be turned down by the Mayo Clinic or not get an appointment for a long time. When sitting in class yesterday, my phone rang and it was the clinic. The lady on the phone was asking for my insurance and other basic information, then she said, "I know this probably won't work, but we just had a cancellation. Can you be here Monday?" I was so shocked! At first, I was excited but then reality hit and I remembered I still have two more weeks of school and to pay for the travel to the Mayo Clinic in Florida. I asked if I could have until the end of the day to make a decision and she said that was okay. I prayed for guidance on whether or not I should go. I walked upstairs to the director of nursing office and told her what just happened. I was expecting a no, but instead, everything worked out. I thought," wow that's awesome, but I still can't afford it, God. I'm sorry I can't take this opportunity." God was determined that I go, so He opened up even more opportunities. Flying would be around $800 and I don't know when I'll be back, but I found out I can drive for around $60. After that, I found out that I can stay with some family friends that live about two hours from the hospital, so there isn't a hotel fee now either. At that point, I had no reason to say no. This is such a blessing and proves that if God wants something to happen, He will make it happen. I am so excited to say… I am going to the Mayo Clinic in Florida on Tuesday!

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