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Day three at the Mayo Clinic


Day three at Mayo was so much better than the first two. I met with a new cardiologist bright and early and he was great! He said that I am an interesting case and agreed with my last cardiologist that I am, "a big black hole in medicine." He said he definitely sees that there is an issue and my heart could be stopping for a split second which would mean there is an arrhythmia. He is sending me to another electrophysiologist to review everything that was done a few weeks ago and see if maybe my heart is just being sneaky. When I got back to the hotel, I had to rest a while, but I was finally able to walk down to the beach. I rolled my pant legs up, took my shoes off, prayed, and walked along the shore. After picking up a few shells, I went back to the hotel to rest a little more before my next appointment. Unfortunately, my dad was having a pretty rough day, so I changed his bandages and we hung out for a while.

My second appointment was later in the day. I saw an infectious disease doctor that I was referred to due to my reoccurring low grade fevers. She was awesome! Surprisingly she was from North Carolina and lived in Nashville, Tennessee for a while so she knew most of my doctors. We really got along well and shared a lot of stories and laughs with each other. She wanted to do a series of labs to check for diseases that I could have picked up from one of my animals or at one of the hospitals. Luckily, everything was normal, and don't have any infections or diseases. I did find out that I apparently had Mono at some point in my life. I was so shocked! She said I probably picked it up by sharing a drink or even being sneezed on (yuck!) and I most likely just thought it was a cold. We talked about random theories we both had about my health. I showed her my previous labs and a few things that stood out to me, but other doctors had never said anything. She said I had lymphocytosis and a low white blood cell count. It wasn't low enough for it read that it was out of range, but it was definitely on the low end and worth looking in to. She is now sending me to a hematologist to insure that my blood is being made properly and everything blood related is okay. She did warn me that this may be another thing that they can't figure out an answer to.

When I left my appointment, dad and I drove around for about an hour trying to decide what to eat. We finally settled on Outback and had a pretty good meal! I started hurting pretty bad about halfway through the meal, so it wasn't quite as enjoyable as it could have been. When we got back to the hotel, we watched, "Monster in Law." I am still so blessed by this trip and have hope that will we get some answers! I also have an appointment scheduled with an endometriosis specialist at the same group that I had my biggest surgery with in Atlanta. God was watching over that as well, because I was able to get an appointment in only two weeks.

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