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Day two at the Mayo Clinic


This is a CT Scan. (not my photo)

Today was my second day at the Mayo Clinic. I had to be there at 8:45 this morning and was not allowed to eat. When I first arrived, they drew about 15 vials of blood. I jokingly asked the phlebotomist if she could put some of that back, but of course she said no. After that, I was so excited to finally get to eat, but they said I couldn’t yet. When you tell an eater she can’t eat, it normally doesn’t end well! I had to wait an hour and a half before the next test, so I went outside by the water and made a few phone calls. When it was time to check in for my next test, they called me back to get an IV and to drink two big cups of water with imaging contrast in it. The lady found my vein and got my IV on the first try, which is awesome based on the way it typically goes with me! I gagged and drank my contrast as I talked to another patient in the waiting room. I didn’t wait long before they called me back for my CT Scan. The lady said that since I only have one kidney, she can’t give me the normal amount of IV contrast they usually use and that I needed to drink as much water as possible for the next two days to flush everything out. Unfortunately, my shaking started a little while before the scan so it was incredibly hard to lie still. The contrast they injected into my IV put a weird taste in my mouth and made me feel warm. I also felt like I was peeing on myself, which is normal for the type of contrast they used. The scan pretty much went the way every other CT scan I’ve had has gone. I left the hospital and we went to Denny’s for lunch. By that point, Dad and I were both feeling pretty bad, so we came back to the hotel for a while. When I built up enough energy, I dropped off a sample at the Mayo and picked of a few things at Target. Dad and I ate some microwave lasagna and are now watching a little TV together. Today had it’s ups and downs, but I am trying to keep hope that they will figure out what is wrong. It can be very discouraging at times.

I forgot to mention yesterday that when I was talking to my scheduler, she said that she could not believe how quickly she was able to get appointments for me. She said that normally I would have had to wait until at least February, and she didn’t know how everything was working out so well. I know how. God is truly watching over me.

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