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Day four at the Mayo Clinic


It's Friday! That means I get a little break from the hospital for the weekend before I go back Monday. I'm very glad that I'm here, but it has made me so tired. The weekend break is much needed and appreciated. They drew my 35th vile of blood since I've been here today, and they still won't put any back (lol). Today, I had a test to check my adrenal gland function in the Ambulatory Infusion Center in the hospital part of Mayo. My levels were low in my labs, so they decided to do some further investigation. They started an IV and drew baseline labs, then gave me some medicine. I instantly felt sick. I was nauseous, weak, and my back and stomach started hurting worse. I was in a big, private room so I was able to rest while waiting out the side effects. They came back every thirty minutes to draw more blood. When I was finished, they took out my IV and let me leave. I had pushed Dad in a wheelchair on the way, but I was too worn out to push him back so we called a volunteer from the front desk to help us. I felt pretty bad that a man in his late sixties was outrunning me while pushing a wheelchair! I started to drive back, but ended up switching with Dad and sleeping in the car instead. We came back to Georgia to stay with some family friends for the weekend. We are so thankful that Ms. Kim, Mr. Dennis, and their family have opened up their home to us and helped us so much. Tomorrow, my Dad is taking me to Hilton Head Island to see where I was born and visit with more friends at the coast. I also finally get to see me fiancé for a little while tomorrow before he has to go back home on Sunday. Thank you again for all of the prayers. Also, a big thank you to Chris and Brittnee Herron for dog sitting Keeper this week. It's been a huge help!

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