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Day five at the Mayo Clinic


Monday, Monday! Today marked the start of my second week here. This weekend we spent time with friends that live close by and got some rest! My sweet fiancé drove about nine hours on Saturday so we could spend a little time together. Unfortunately, Dad wasn’t feeling very well this weekend, and I had a pretty bad flair up. My mom flew down to stay with me this coming week, and Dad rode back to Tennessee with Caleb on Sunday. Daddy was able to go to his doctor and get taken care of. It all worked out great, but I sure do miss my two favorite men!

This morning, I had to be at the hospital at 7:30 for neurology testing. I was skeptical at first, but it wasn’t bad at all. The first test I had to do was the worst because it felt like little bee stings. It was tolerable and only lasted for five minutes. For the second and third test they monitored my heart and blood pressure while I was breathing in different patters and holding my breath. The last one was just another tilt-table test. It’s not painful, but it did make me dizzy. I had one in Nashville a few months ago, so I knew what to expect this time. The lady that did my test was incredibly nice and we laughed the entire time.

When we were walking back to the car we heard beautiful Christmas music. I quickly realized that it was live and walked until I found the musician. I was surprised to see an older man that was one of the hospital volunteers sitting behind the piano. He played so beautifully, and I couldn’t help but have a boost of happiness while listening to him play. God has given that sweet man such an amazing gift. He impacts the patients probably way more than he realizes. I am so thankful God allowed me to be apart of that today.

In between, we had breakfast, then I had to do more blood work (of course). They only drew one vial this time, but also had to prick my finger to do a blood smear. The phlebotomist looked at me once and asked if my finger hurt, and I told him that it wasn’t bad. He replied with, “good, because it sure is hurting my fingers!” My hands were cold, so he had to squeeze the end of my finger much longer than normal and apparently his fingers got sore!

Later in the day I saw the neurologist, and he was an awesome doctor. He asked a million questions and did a physical. He told me that the tests were normal, but he too knows that something isn’t right. He said he honestly doesn’t know either. I thought it was really nice that he took extra time during the appointment to look up things that he wasn’t familiar with and try to find a link somewhere. We didn’t find anything conclusive, but he at least tried. He wants me to have an MRI of my brain on Wednesday just to make sure we don’t miss anything, but he thinks it will be fine.

I’m counting my blessing tonight, and thankful for an ocean view room and a bright shooting star tonight. “For nothing shall be impossible with God” -Luke 1:37

(I attatched the photos from this weekend. I got to hold our friends 14ft snake for the first time in 10 years)

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