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  • imfightinglikeagirl

Day seven at the Mayo Clinic

Today was a long day. I met with cardiology first and saw two nurse practitioners and a doctor. They said they couldn’t explain the heart issues that I have been having, so there is nothing they can do to correct it. They diagnosed me with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. From now on I have no choice but to stay healthy and in shape. I have to drink a minimum of 65 oz every day, increase my salt intake, and exercise at least every other day. All of that is good for my overall health anyway, and luckily he doesn’t want me to have to take more medications that probably won’t help anyway. When my heart rate is too high I have to try valsalva maneuvers, cold water, and resting. If it doesn’t regulate within an hour, I still have to go to the hospital. He basically told me to keep doing what I’m doing and pray that it goes away on it’s own without causing any more issues.

After cardiology I saw another gynecologist to address my endometriosis. My history and issues shocked the nurse practitioner and doctor. They wanted to think about it more, do an MRI, and then talk to me again tomorrow. Since it may be spreading to my chest, we have to be more careful and aggressive. I am still seeing the specialist in Atlanta next week, but it’ll be good to have extra advice.

I had to be back at 8:30pm for the brain MRI. Unfortunately, they could not do the abdominal/pelvic MRI at the same time. I changed in to hospital pants, a gown that was 4 sizes too big, and some ugly slippers. I looked really funny, but man, I was comfortable! I plopped up on the MRI bed, and the nurse gave me a warm blanket and country music to listen to. I had to lean back into a curve that hugged my head snug. Then she put a cage-like structure over my face and secured it to the bed one each side so I couldn’t move. I was pushed into the MRI until all that was left out was my legs. If I thought about it too much it was a little creepy, but they had two mirrors on the face piece to allow me to see out. It really wasn’t that bad. God comforted me the entire time. I didn’t get claustrophobic because I knew I was safe. I’m willing to do it if it will help get answers! I do not know the results yet, but hopefully I will tomorrow.

Side Note: While driving to go eat, we saw a bald eagle on top of a church steeple! It was pretty incredible. I tried to get a picture, but it's hard to tell what it is.

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