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Day six at the Mayo Clinic


I finally got some answers today! While they weren’t direct, definitive answers, I still received some explanation from TWO doctors today. I saw the GI doctor first, and he said that I definitely have IBS from where I had so much endometriosis on my bowel. I already knew about that, but it was nice to have a GI doctor confirm it. He also said that I have symptoms that seem to be too bad and abnormal for IBS, like the persistent nausea and difficulty swallowing. To find out if there are any other issues, he wants me to have a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I’m definitely not looking forward to having that done, especially since I’m so young, but I will be asleep during the procedures. He wants to make sure that my esophagus isn’t swelling and that my endometriosis is not somehow on the inside of my GI tract. I also have to remove a few more foods from my diet.

Of course, by the time I got back from my appointment I had to have a nap to boost my energy again. I guess that’s just a part of having chronic fatigue syndrome. My second appointment was at 2:30 and with a pulmonologist. He asked about my chronic cough and shortness of breath. We talked about everything for a while, and then he told me what he thought. The doctor said that we have to diagnose me backwards. Instead of figuring it out then treating it, we have to try treatments first. Whichever treatment works will give us the diagnosis since two of the possible diagnosis can’t be seen, and the other can only be seen with surgery. He prescribed me an inhaler to use whenever I am short of breath or coughing. I had one when I was younger, but we didn’t know what the cause was back then either. If it works, then we know I am having a type of episodic asthma and we can treat it further. Unfortunately, that still doesn’t explain the rib pain I have so frequently, so it may be paired with another issue. The doctor confirmed my fear by saying that the only thing that would fully explain everything pulmonary related would be that my endometriosis had spread to the pleural space between my lungs and chest cavity. We cannot know one hundred percent sure without having surgery, but it’s the only thing that fits the symptoms. For now, I have to use the inhaler when I need it, take an anti-inflammatory when I have pleurisy attacks, and talk it over more with the endometriosis specialist next week. He said that we probably won’t remove it until I start coughing up blood or my lungs collapse. I really don’t’ want to wait until it gets that bad, but he said the surgery is pretty rough. I will hopefully know more details and be able to get a plan of care when I see the endo specialist in Atlanta.

Finding out what may be causing a lot of my health issues is such an exciting, yet disappointing realization. It’s exciting to know what is going on and to figure out where to go from here, but at the same time it really stinks to know. All I can do is accept it and keep moving forward. The Lord has been with me every step of the way, and I can count on Him to not leave. I am still so blessed, because I know it could always be worse. I have so many incredible people supporting me and helping me through this. I’m ready to keep fighting like a girl.

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