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Center for Endometriosis Care Appointment


Center for Endometriosis Care Appointment

Today I returned to the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta for the first time since 2010. Dr. Albee was there previously, he is the one who did my biggest surgery. Caleb was able to take part of the day off to go with me, which was really awesome and such a blessing. We told the doctor about my rib pain, coughing, and how my endometriosis keeps growing back. He did an ultrasound and saw that I have two more ovarian cysts, but that's pretty common for me. I didn't even notice it this time, and I thought it was just my regular pain. I'll definitely feel it if they rupture, though. The doctor said that he wants to do a PSN (presacral neurectomy) where they will remove the nerve tissue around my two uterus. Unfortunately, the nerve tissue is in the center of major blood vessels, my ureter that goes to my one kidney, and my intestines. That means everything must be done very carefully to avoid complications. While he is in there, he's going to look for endometriosis that has grown back and remove it. I will probably have three or four incisions in my abdomen like I always do. I'm a little worried about having this done, so I'm going to talk to my other doctor first and do a lot of praying. Since I'm so used to the pain, it's hard to decide if the pain is worth the risks and potential nasty side effects. The doctor also wants to do a thoracoscopy during the surgery where they will make about three incisions in between my ribs so they can look at my lungs, pleural cavity, and diaphragm. They are going to check for endometriosis and any other issues that could be causing my pain, coughing, and shortness of breath. They will have a thoracic surgeon assisting them, and the entire surgery will be about four hours. I will be in the hospital three or four days in Atlanta and have an epidural to help with the post op pain. He said the recovery will be pretty rough so I'm not too excited about it. I won't be able to do much for a few weeks, so we are currently trying to figure out what to do about school, work, and finances. I'm used to surgery and medical procedures, but this one is a little more stressful. We will be doing a lot of brainstorming and a ton of praying during this time.

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I was able to be home Christmas week and be home for New Years! Thank you again for all of the prayers. I love yall!

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