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The Power Of Prayer


We all know that prayer is very powerful. God shows us many examples in the Bible of how strong prayer can be. We hear stories about miracles and know that even living day to day life is a miracle itself. However, when you witness something extra special in your life that shouldn't be possible, it gives you a renewed faith in God and a drive to pray.

God has answered so many of my prayers and many times directly on the spot. That many prayers directly answered cannot be a coincidence. I wanted to share with you the biggest miracle I have ever witnessed.

In 1988, my dad had his first heart attack, and after battling with severe heart problems for many years, the doctors decided to insert a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) in 2010 in hopes of saving his life. He was supposed to be released from the hospital in no more than ten days after having the pump connected to his heart. Instead, he was in the hospital four months and we feared tremendously for his life. During that time, he had three open-heart surgeries, developed Clostridium Difficile (bacterial infection that affects the digestive system), Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Pneumonia in both lungs, and more. The doctors said he was the sickest they’ve ever seen someone be and survive. There were times where they wanted to give up so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore, but they didn’t. They told us about nights where he “danced with the devil” and they had to revive him, but God touched him and pulled him through. He wasn’t finished with him. When everyone finally realized that he wasn’t going anywhere, they told us he probably wouldn’t be able to walk or do daily activities again. God proved us all wrong again and showed us how powerful He is. My dad is still here today, working in his shop, building things that very few people can, and taking care of us.

Miracles don't just happen in the Bible. They don’t just happen on the Internet and in stories on social media. They happen every single day in real life. God is still with us and He will never leave. The power of prayer is so strong. When people pray for me, I feel it. I’m instantly calmed. I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers that my family and I have received over the years. It works.

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